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Collect Cards

When building an e-commerce application, subscription service, or enabling one-time purchases, one of the critical requirements is collecting and storing cardholder data securely. However, it can be challenging to navigate the complex regulatory landscape, particularly PCI DSS, and ensure that your application meets all the necessary security standards.

In this guide, we will set up SDKs to capture cards in the frontend, Web or Mobile, and securely store the cardholder data as tokens with the Basis Theory Platform. Given it is followed as it is, your user-facing applications and database are completely removed from the compliance scope.

Collect Cards Flowchart

Getting Started

To get started, you will need a Basis Theory account and a Tenant.

Creating a Public Application

Next you will need you'll need a Public Application using our PCI-compliant template Collect PCI Data. Click here to create one.

This will create an application with the following Access Controls:

  • Permissions: token:create, token:update
  • Containers: /pci/
  • Transform: mask
Save the API Key from the created Public Application as it will be used later in this guide.

Configuring Basis Theory Elements

Basis Theory Elements is available for the following technologies. Click below for detailed instructions on how to install and configure it.


Adding Card Elements

Once properly installed and configured, add the Card Elements to your application. This will enable users to type in their card data in your form, while refraining from your systems to come in contact with it.

<div id="cardNumber"></div>
<div style="display: flex;">
<div id="cardExpirationDate" style="width: 100%;"></div>
<div id="cardVerificationCode" style="width: 100%;"></div>
import { BasisTheory } from '@basis-theory/basis-theory-js';

let bt;
let cardNumberElement;
let cardExpirationDateElement;
let cardVerificationCodeElement;

async function init() {
bt = await new BasisTheory().init('test_1234567890', { elements: true });

// Creates Elements instances
cardNumberElement = bt.createElement('cardNumber', {
targetId: 'myCardNumber' // (custom) used for tracking validation errors
cardExpirationDateElement = bt.createElement('cardExpirationDate', {
targetId: 'myCardExpiration'
cardVerificationCodeElement = bt.createElement('cardVerificationCode', {
targetId: 'myCardVerification'

// Mounts Elements in the DOM in parallel
await Promise.all([

// Binds card brand to verification code element
cardNumberElement.on('change', ({ cardBrand }) => {
cardVerificationCodeElement.update({ cardBrand });


Using a single Card Element

Alternatively, you can declare a single Card Element that features all three basic cardholder data inputs in a single element.

<div id="card"></div>
import { BasisTheory } from '@basis-theory/basis-theory-js';

let bt;
let cardElement;

async function init () {
bt = await new BasisTheory().init('test_1234567890', { elements: true });
cardElement = bt.createElement('card');
await cardElement.mount('#card');


Storing Cards

Now that you are securely capturing the cardholder data in your user-facing application(s), it is time to store it in your Basis Theory Tenant.

To do this, we will call the Create Token endpoint from the SDK, passing the Card Elements as data points in the payload. This way, the card information is securely transferred from the frontend Elements to the Basis Theory vault, where they will reside in the encrypted form.

Add a submit function along with a button to trigger it:

<div id="cardNumber"></div>
<div style="display: flex;">
<div id="cardExpirationDate" style="width: 100%;"></div>
<div id="cardVerificationCode" style="width: 100%;"></div>
<button onclick="submit();">Submit</button>
import { BasisTheory } from '@basis-theory/basis-theory-js';

let bt;
let cardNumberElement;
let cardExpirationDateElement;
let cardVerificationCodeElement;

async function init () { ... }

async function submit () {
try {
const token = await bt.tokens.create({
type: 'card',
data: {
number: cardNumberElement,
expiration_month: cardExpirationDateElement.month(),
expiration_year: cardExpirationDateElement.year(),
cvc: cardVerificationCodeElement,
// store in your database
} catch (error) {

If you are using the single CardElement, simply pass its reference as the data attribute of the token payload.

The created card token object contains the non-sensitive information about the tokenized card, which follows the Card Token specification:

"id": "d2cbc1b4-5c3a-45a3-9ee2-392a1c475ab4",
"type": "card",
"tenant_id": "15f48eb5-8b52-4cdd-a396-608f7cf001d0",
"data": {
"number": "XXXXXXXXXXXX4242",
"expiration_month": 12,
"expiration_year": 2025
"created_by": "4a6ae2a6-79f8-4640-968f-88db913743df",
"created_at": "2023-04-17T12:54:44.8320458+00:00",
"mask": {
"number": "{{ data.number | reveal_last: 4 }}",
"expiration_month": "{{ data.expiration_month }}",
"expiration_year": "{{ data.expiration_year }}"
"privacy": {
"classification": "pci",
"impact_level": "high",
"restriction_policy": "mask"
"search_indexes": [],
"containers": [

You can safely store the token's primary key id in your database to link it with the appropriate checkout, user profile, subscription, or any other record that requires association with the card.

Notice how the card number, also known as Primary Account Number (PAN), has been masked before it is returned to your application. This default behavior prevents your application being pulled in PCI DSS scope, for it only comes in contact with a truncated portion of the cardholder data. Later in this guide we will learn how to customize masking.

Customizing Tokens

The steps so far cover most cases when you need to collect cards in your frontend and store them in a secure location. However, in some scenarios you may need to customize your card tokens for specific business needs or technical requirements. In the following sections, you will find optional steps to follow for common problems solved by Basis Theory Token capabilities.


Companies often find it necessary to uniquely identify cards flowing through their systems for various reasons, which may include: preventing fraudulent transactions, detecting abuse of credit cards, building consumer profiles or streamlining payment processing for a better user experience.

By leveraging token fingerprinting, developers can recognize the tokenized data in a customizable fashion, without having to come in contact with the plaintext data. For cards, it is common to index in the Primary Account Number (PAN), but in some cases the expiration date may also be considered.

When making the tokenization request to store the card, pass a fingerprint expression to instruct Basis Theory to calculate the fingerprint for the sensitive data field:

async function submit () {
try {
const token = await bt.tokens.create({
type: 'card',
data: {
number: cardNumberElement,
expiration_month: cardExpirationDateElement.month(),
expiration_year: cardExpirationDateElement.year(),
cvc: cardVerificationCodeElement,
fingerprintExpression: '{{ data.number }}',
} catch (error) {

The new tokens should now have a fingerprint:

"id": "d2cbc1b4-5c3a-45a3-9ee2-392a1c475ab4",
"type": "card",
"tenant_id": "15f48eb5-8b52-4cdd-a396-608f7cf001d0",
"data": {
"number": "XXXXXXXXXXXX4242",
"expiration_month": 12,
"expiration_year": 2025
"created_by": "4a6ae2a6-79f8-4640-968f-88db913743df",
"created_at": "2023-04-17T12:54:44.8320458+00:00",
"fingerprint": "CC2XvyoohnqecEq4r3FtXv6MdCx4TbaW1UUTdCCN5MNL",
"fingerprint_expression": "{{ data.number }}",
"mask": {
"number": "{{ data.number | reveal_last: 4 }}",
"expiration_month": "{{ data.expiration_month }}",
"expiration_year": "{{ data.expiration_year }}"
"privacy": {
"classification": "pci",
"impact_level": "high",
"restriction_policy": "mask"
"search_indexes": [],
"containers": [

If you want to prevent creation of a duplicate token based on the distinguishable fingerprint, add the flag below:

async function submit () {
try {
const token = await bt.tokens.create({
type: 'card',
data: {
number: cardNumberElement,
expiration_month: cardExpirationDateElement.month(),
expiration_year: cardExpirationDateElement.year(),
cvc: cardVerificationCodeElement,
fingerprintExpression: '{{ data.number }}',
deduplicateToken: true,
} catch (error) {

By doing the above, you are instructing Basis Theory to return the existing token if it is found to have the same fingerprint. Click here to learn more about token deduplication.


When a card token is created, the returned data follows a default masking pattern that reveals the last 4 digits of card. This is useful for displaying the card to the end-user without revealing the full number, generating receipts and payment history, etc.

However, being able to preserve the Bank Identification Number (BIN) from the card number can also be required for several reasons, including fraud detection, payment processing, customer service or account management. PCI DSS allows applications to reveal up to first 8 and last 4 digits of a card number, depending on its length and Payment Brand. Luckily, when creating a token, you can express what segments of the PAN is useful to you with a single expressions filter: card_mask.

async function submit () {
try {
const token = await bt.tokens.create({
type: 'card',
data: {
number: cardNumberElement,
expiration_month: cardExpirationDateElement.month(),
expiration_year: cardExpirationDateElement.year(),
cvc: cardVerificationCodeElement,
fingerprintExpression: '{{ data.number }}',
deduplicateToken: true,
mask: {
number:'{{ data.number | card_mask: "true", "true" }}',
expiration_month: '{{ data.expiration_month }}',
expiration_year: '{{ data.expiration_year }}',
} catch (error) {

Now, the created token should also reveal the BIN:

"id": "d2cbc1b4-5c3a-45a3-9ee2-392a1c475ab4",
"type": "card",
"tenant_id": "15f48eb5-8b52-4cdd-a396-608f7cf001d0",
"data": {
"number": "42424242XXXX4242",
"expiration_month": 12,
"expiration_year": 2025
"created_by": "4a6ae2a6-79f8-4640-968f-88db913743df",
"created_at": "2023-04-17T12:54:44.8320458+00:00",
"fingerprint": "CC2XvyoohnqecEq4r3FtXv6MdCx4TbaW1UUTdCCN5MNL",
"fingerprint_expression": "{{ data.number }}",
"mask": {
"number": "{{ data.number | card_mask: 'true', 'true' }}",
"expiration_month": "{{ data.expiration_month }}",
"expiration_year": "{{ data.expiration_year }}"
"privacy": {
"classification": "pci",
"impact_level": "high",
"restriction_policy": "mask"
"search_indexes": [],
"containers": [

In the example above, we instruct Basis Theory to reveal both segments, without having to worry about the card brand or number length. Click here to learn more about Masking.


While storing or transmitting tokens between systems, you may encounter restrictive technical constraints that can draw the default token Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) incompatible.

In the example below, we will pass a predefined token id that follows a custom logic, which resembles an alternative format used in the payments industry:

function generateTokenId() {
const chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
let tokenId = 'card_';
for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
tokenId += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length));
return tokenId;

async function submit () {
try {
const token = await bt.tokens.create({
id: generateTokenId(),
type: 'card',
data: {
number: cardNumberElement,
expiration_month: cardExpirationDateElement.month(),
expiration_year: cardExpirationDateElement.year(),
cvc: cardVerificationCodeElement,
fingerprintExpression: '{{ data.number }}',
deduplicateToken: true,
mask: {
number:'{{ data.number | card_mask: "true", "true" }}',
expiration_month: '{{ data.expiration_month }}',
expiration_year: '{{ data.expiration_year }}',
} catch (error) {

The returned token object should now have a custom identifier:

"id": "card_1Mxqr82eZvKYlo2CSaatci3m",
"type": "card",
"tenant_id": "15f48eb5-8b52-4cdd-a396-608f7cf001d0",
"data": {
"number": "42424242XXXX4242",
"expiration_month": 12,
"expiration_year": 2025
"created_by": "4a6ae2a6-79f8-4640-968f-88db913743df",
"created_at": "2023-04-17T12:54:44.8320458+00:00",
"fingerprint": "CC2XvyoohnqecEq4r3FtXv6MdCx4TbaW1UUTdCCN5MNL",
"fingerprint_expression": "{{ data.number }}",
"mask": {
"number": "{{ data.number | card_mask: 'true', 'true' }}",
"expiration_month": "{{ data.expiration_month }}",
"expiration_year": "{{ data.expiration_year }}"
"privacy": {
"classification": "pci",
"impact_level": "high",
"restriction_policy": "mask"
"search_indexes": [],
"containers": [

Aliasing also supports passing custom data-bound expressions, that can generate length and format-preserving token identifiers. Click here to learn more about Aliasing.


By following the best practices prescribed in this guide, you can ensure that your user-facing applications are compliant with the latest security standards while protecting your users' sensitive card data. The obtained at the end of the Storing Cards section is a synthetic replacement for the sensitive data and can be safely stored in your database, or transmitted through your systems, meeting compliance requirements and reducing the risk of exposure in case of data breaches.

The optional customization steps are meant for showcase platform capabilities that go beyond the examples given. Make sure to explore the provided links within each subsection to learn more about the possibilities for customization.

For next steps, take a look at the following guides to proceed taking the most value of your secured card tokens: